Mary Magdalene and the Mystical Path of the Heart
Mary Magdalene and the Mystical Path of the Heart *
Join us for an exploration and re-visioning of the role that Mary Magdalene played in the early Christian story, and how her witness as Christ’s beloved disciple and “completed human being” invites us each to deepen our capacity for love and to see with the eyes of the heart, an organ of spiritual perception. Our guide in this exploration will be pastor, scholar and mystic, Cynthia Bourgeault, who, in the preface to her book, The Meaning of Mary Magdalene states:
“…when we see who she really is, we see what Christianity really is, what it could have been – and pray to God, can still become.”

Mary Magdalene and the Mystical Path of the Heart
A 10-Week On-line Class led by Marilyn Strong
Wednesday Evenings, 7:00pm - 9:00pm
February 12th through April 16th, 2025
$150 - $225 sliding scale
To stimulate our discussion we will read together The Meaning of Mary Magdalene, by Cynthia Bourgeault
Each evening we will begin our sessions with chanting, centering prayer/meditation and other practices from the Wisdom Tradition designed to purify, awaken and cultivate the ability to see with the Eye of the Heart. These practices will enable us to dive deeply into the content of this course and help us integrate and embody the intellectual material in a soulful way. We will also begin the course with the sharing of our personal stories to create a safe and nurturing container in which to invoke and explore “infusions of Mary Magdalene's presence as an archetype of the divine feminine wisdom”. The course will be limited to a maximum of 9 women, and we will have times of breakout into smaller groups, so although we will be meeting virtually, we will have a chance to really get to know one another, as though we were sitting together in the same room.
In The Meaning of Mary Magdalene Cynthia does a wonderful job of looking at Mary Magdalene initially from the canonical gospels, then brings in the recently recovered ancient gospels that were deemed “heretical” by the patriarchy, which round out the portrait of the Magdalene in significant ways and gives them equal footing.
From the Preface to her book:
Her first goal is to "repair the damage caused by a heavy-handed patriarchal (and at times flat-out misogynistic) ecclesiastical tradition and reclaim Mary Magdalene's legitimate role as a teacher and apostle." She says that she comes at the topic not as a feminist, but from "the perspective of wisdom Christianity, with its emphasis on those perennial spiritual practices of transformation and inner awakening."
Her second goal is to open the emotionally charged question of a possible love relationship between Jesus and Mary Magdalene and her conclusion is that such a relationship most likely did exist and is in fact at the heart of the Christian transformational path. But the kind of relationship she has in mind is not "the sentimentalized melodrama our culture commonly holds up as love, but a spiritual love so refined and luminous as to be virtually unknown in the West today." She says she is entering this territory precisely for the sake of this love: “because its healing and generative energy is desperately needed right now to heal the deep psychic wounds of Christianity." And I would add that it is needed to heal the deep psychic wounds of Western culture, generally.
Her third goal is to look at how this healing has unfolded and continues to unfold through the largely unacknowledged infusions of Mary Magdalene's presence as an archetype of the divine feminine wisdom. She is coming not from a Jungian perspective but from traditional wisdom teachings on the human soul as a bridge between the visible and invisible realms. "The 'inter-cosmic' fluidity attested to in these texts is the real legacy of the love between Jesus and Mary Magdalene ... As with all lovers who have lived to the full the wager that love is stronger than death, the faithfulness of their two hearts resonating across time and space forms a particular kind of energy channel through which divine compassion pours itself forth as wisdom and creativity."
From her bio on the Center for Action and Contemplation website: "Cynthia Bourgeault is a modern-day mystic, Episcopal priest, writer and internationally known retreat leader. She divides her time between solitude at her seaside hermitage in Maine and a demanding schedule traveling globally to teach and spread the recovery of the Christian contemplative and Wisdom paths." She is also core faculty at the Center for Action and Contemplation, founded by Richard Rohr.
Marilyn will also draw on other sources such as The Wisdom Way of Knowing: Reclaiming an Ancient Tradition to Awaken the Heart by Cynthia Bourgeault, The Gospel of Mary by Jaques LeLoup, The Gospel of Mary of Magdala by Karen L. King, and Ordinary Mysticism: Your Life As Sacred Ground, by Mirabai Starr
To Register, email Marilyn Strong at and mail a check made out to
Pomegranate Seed Productions, 6365 S. Fox Hill Lane, Clinton, WA 98236-2100
Questions? call 360-661-4658