We have many requests from people who want to come meet us and see Jerry’s art in person and we are happy to accommodate such requests to the best of our ability.
Come for a cup of tea and conversation, and allow time to explore and interact with Jerry’s artwork, spend some quiet time in our meditation tower, or go for a walk on the wooded trail from our property that links up with the trails at the Whidbey Institute at Chinook.
If you would like to visit us, please call (360) 341-3382 or e-mail us. Tell us the specific day and time you would like to come.

Jerry's birthday party in the Gallery.

Jerry 1979 shortly after letting it all go.

Beginning an art piece.

Richard Prince in his "Body Shop."

Jerry at artist, Richard Prince's "Body Shop."

Susan and Jason Sypher after a performance Jerry arranged on the ?Island.

After our Birmingham event at the art museum -- Micky Lemle, Jerry, Marilyn, Lucinda Herring, Joe Kulin

Marilyn in Assisi.

Jerry in Assisi.

"The Light That Never Dims" - an event at the Whidbey Institute. From L to R - Christina Baldwin, Laura Simms, Alison Coc, Rebecca Chamberlaine, Vi Hilbert, Jerry Wennstrom and Marilyn strong.

Working with young people in Birmingham at an Andy Warhol Foundation art center.

Marilyn creating a ritual in Birmingham at an Andy Warhol Foundation art center.
Georgia folk artist, Myrtice West looks at Jerry's book. She responds, "I Ain't never seed art like this."

Marilyn in Assisi

Wedding cake top that Jerry surprised Marilyn with.

Georga folk artist, Howard Finster's "Paradise Garden" where we were given a private tour by Howard's son.

Jerry helping young a friend, Johanna with an art piece.

Marilyn on the Twisp River during a motorcycle trip over the Cascade mountains with Jerry. (Friend, Corwin Fergus' River House)
"Parabola's "Cinema of the Spirit" event at the Birmingham Museum of Art. L to R - Filmmaker, Micky Lemle- ("Ram Dass Fierce Grace", The last Dalai Lama", Jerry Wennstrom, Marilyn Strong, Joe Kulin (Parabola publisher)

Angela Nelson Inspired and moved us into action on the creation of "A Second Wind: Art Resurrected." ...not to mention this web site!

Jean Houston and Margaret Mead visits Jerry's studio in the mid-70s. On Margaret's second visit, she brought a Copenhagen museum curator to see Jerry's art. When he said Jerry's art was in the tradition of the Chicago, "Monster Painters." Margaret exclaimed loudly upon leaving, "It is good to see there is a great religious artist emerging in the world!" Jerry said about the encounter, "i wasn't sure what she meant at the time but I seemed to have inadvertently become more of what she originally saw in me."

"Radical Departures" a Film event at the Whidbey Institute,

Grethe Cammermeyer and her wife and artist Diane Divelbess. visits Jerry’s workshop to view progress of his interactive art piece, Chasing Carrots. Grethe Cammermeyer, is the colonel in the Washington National Guard who was expelled from the service. She sued and won her position back. Grethe’s story is featured in the 1995 movie, "Serving in Silence", starring Glenn Close.

Marilyn with our 7-foot boa, "Rosie," models for photographer Ed Severinghaus.

Marilyn And Jerry's wedding.
"Chasing Carrots", an art piece in progress. i (Standing next to Jerry is, Grethe Cammermeyer and her wife and artist, Diane Divelbess. Grethe is the colonel in the Washington National Guard who was expelled from the service. She sued and won her position back. Grethe’s story is featured in the 1995 movie, Serving in Silence, starring Glenn Close.

Ralph Metzner visits the Gallery.

Marilyn sings and opens with a ritual the Parabola-sponsored Birmingham Art Museum film event called "Cinema of the Spirit," featuring "In the Hands of Alchemy."

Jerry and Micky Lemle speaking at the Birmingham Museum of Art

Jerry after his speaking event for Inferential Focus in NYC.
"Cinema of the Spirit" film festival showing "In the Hands of Alchemy".

Deborah Koff-Chapin taking in the spirit of Jerry's art in the Gallery.

Ralph Metzner visits the Gallery. Looking at "The Alchemist" piece he says to Jerry, "I think you are the Alchemist!"

Marilyn, opening with a song, the event at the Whidbey Institute.

Halloween, NY in about 1975. Artists, Caroline Crawford, Jerry Wennstrom and Deborah Koff-Chapin in Jerry's South Mountain Road studio.

Marilyn, Bret Boner (editor "Living Blues Magazine") and folk artist, Mary Brooks Tyler in the Gallery.

Georgia folk artist Howard Finster's "Paradise Garden."

Jerry's art was used by filmmakers Whitney and Steve Boe, the creators of the animated film, "Mythic Journeys." The film stars actors Tim Curry and Mark Hamill plus appearances by Deepak Chopra, Robert Walter, Sobonfu Some’, Jean Shinoda Bolen, and Michael Beck with Tess Harper.

Carol Wright, managing editor, designer and resident Super-Woman created A Second Wind: Art Resurrected. That's Jerry in the background where he needed to be for this very ambitious creation.

Aaron Nelson and photographer, Andrew van Leeuwen photographing the Jerry's art for the book, "A Second Wind." Andrew also do so much to create this web site.

Another beginning...
Marilyn at one of trips to France -- this time with Jerry.

Jerry giving a slide show and talk at the Madison Museum of Art.

Charlie, friend and benefactor who took Marilyn and Jerry to Assisi.

Vi Hilbert speaking at one of our events at the Whidbey Institute.

Marilyn and Jerry 's wedding in the Gallery.

Marilyn tending her bees.

Marilyn with her new bee hives that Jerry painted.

Marilyn singing her wedding song.

Marilyn and Jerry 's wedding in the Gallery.

Marilyn and Jerry's wedding.

Native American elder, Vi Hilbert and Jerry speaking at an event.